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NAIS Annual Conference Workshop Submission Terms and Conditions 
Terms and Conditions 
Please carefully read the following terms, conditions, and presentation guidelines before submitting a proposal. By accessing or using this site, you agree to these terms of use, conditions, and all applicable laws. You may not use this site if you do not agree to these terms. NAIS reserves the right to change the terms, conditions, and notices in this proposal submission process. NAIS further reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal at any time, including a rejection or removal after initial acceptance, within NAIS’s sole discretion.


Session Proposal Submission Process

  • Completing the submission form does not guarantee acceptance or that a session proposal will be presented at an NAIS educational event.
  • All proposal submissions are expected to be well thought out and ready for presentation by the individual(s) identified in the proposal.
  • The proposal submitter will serve as the primary contact for NAIS.
  • The individual who submits the proposal must be directly connected to the proposal by being one of the workshop participants who will present the material or works for/represents an individual who is named as the session presenter. Proposal submitters must create an NAIS website account using their own contact information and are prohibited from creating an account that utilizes any other person’s contact information. Each individual may only submit up to three (3) workshop proposals per category.
  • Proposals will only be considered if they are complete and submitted through this submission website. Proposals that are incomplete or submitted via different formats will not be accepted for consideration. 
  • Proposal rules for for-profit organizations, businesses, or consultants: It is highly encouraged that any submitters who are not affiliated with a school (member, subscriber, or non-member) pair with an NAIS member school for consideration. If selected, solicitation or promotion of services during your workshop presentation is strictly prohibited. Evaluations demonstrate that workshops with a school presenter as part of the session typically receive a much higher evaluation response. You may request a special exception. Please share your reason why you feel it would be best to proceed without a school presenter in the notes box at the end of the submission.

Responsibilities of Lead Presenters
NAIS will designate the individual who completes this submission form as the lead presenter. This individual will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Agreeing to these terms and conditions on behalf of themselves and any co-presenters (“the presentation group”). 
  • Downloading and sharing these terms and conditions with the presentation group.
  • Communicating with the presentation group regarding acceptance or rejection, deadlines, and all other submission details.
  • Lead presenters must provide all co-presenters' names, titles, organizations, and valid email addresses. 
  • There is a maximum of five (5) presenters per session, including the moderator. NAIS will only provide presenter benefits to up to five (5) presenters per workshop.

Responsibilities of Lead and Co-Presenters
Presenting at Thrive is a volunteer opportunity.  As a presenter, you are expected to:

  • Assume logistical and financial responsibility for travel, lodging, and all other conference-related expenses.
  • Register for the conference at presenter discount rates. All presenters (lead presenters and co-presenters) must register for the conference.
  • Book your own hotel reservation at the conference hotels. Hotel reservations at our room block rates will be available when registration opens until filled.

Accepted Proposals

  • Upon notification that your proposal has been selected for presentation at a specific NAIS event, NAIS will provide the lead presenter with the event details and the event terms and conditions. All presenter(s) will be expected to abide by the terms and conditions required to present at Thrive, some of which are highlighted below. The full terms and conditions associated with accepted proposals will be provided to the lead presenter by NAIS when acceptance offers are sent out. For all accepted submissions, NAIS reserves the right to edit titles, descriptions, and outcomes for promotional purposes and in accordance with NAIS style guides.
  • Following proposal acceptance, our team will contact the lead workshop presenter with information regarding workshop scheduling and details. At its sole discretion, NAIS reserves the right to change or adjust rooms and audio-visual (AV) equipment at any time. 
  • Presenters are welcome to submit PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, and other supporting materials for distribution to workshop attendees, but this is not required. Instructions on how to submit these resources will be available at a later date  .
  • Presenters are responsible for obtaining any necessary licenses and permissions for any third-party intellectual property, including, but not limited to, music, video, or other media included or shown as part of their presentation or included in ancillary materials.
  • All presenters are expected to adhere to the policies, procedures, and deadlines established. This will help ensure that all information is posted and published in a timely manner for our attendees to view and that your workshop needs are met. 
  • NAIS events are noncommercial forums. Under no circumstances may a presenter promote a product, service, or anything else representing monetary self-interest. Failure to comply will impact future consideration. Any questions regarding this policy or a specific presentation should be directed to acworkshops@nais.org.